Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Story in a Box

A Boy called Carlos

There once was a guy named Carlos. He liked playing drums back at his school in Chile. Carlos loved studying Math. His favorite branch of this science was Geometry. Due to this fact, he would always walk around measuring things with his ruler. He also always wanted to travel over to Asia.He appreciated the old history and especially how good were the Asians with Math. Carlos often would ask their parents to buy plane tickets to travel around the world, but money was not enough to be spent on these kinds of things. Until that one day he decided to travel all by himself. He did not have money to pay for not even the half of the expenses. This way, he built himself a Canoe, so he would be able to cross the Pacific all the way until Asia.
That was a secret plan he had, so no one in his family knew he was leaving. After he built his small ship, he departed from his farm house up to the coast. It took him about an hour, by horse. He also did not have much to bring with. He got a leather wallet, that a friend brought him from India, with some savings he had, a backpack with some clothes, some nuts he got at the market, and an ancient cloth he had at home and which belonged to his grandmother. Although he had never traveled abroad, he possessed a Passport, which their parents decided to get him in case they would go out of the country someday. When arriving at the port and before departing on his journey, he set a bird feather on the bottom of his canoe, as a Chilean tradition to bring good luck.
Due to the proximity of the Chilean coast with the Asian Continent, Carlos made a safe trip crossing the Pacific. Besides, it was summer time, which provided him quiet waters and many extra hours of sun. Another fact that made things easier to this boy was the location of the Chilean territory of "Isla de Pascua," an island on the middle of the Pacific that served as shelter for Carlos, reducing, then, his time on the sea. While resting at a cheap hostel in the island, he met an Italian tourist who he became friend with. Before Carlos left the island, the Italian gave him a present from his hometown in the island of Malta. He gave Carlos a glass where he could store water. This ended-up being one of his most useful items during his journey.
Upon his arrival in the Asian continent, Carlos stopped in Singapore. He was delighted by the large population, the color, the smell, and yet the highly developed and technological area he arrived at. The first thing he looked for was an exchange house to replace his Chilean currency for the local one. Surprisingly, the Chilean "Pesos" were much stronger compared to most of the Asian currencies and this way, only with his savings he ended-up having a lot of money. He found the Singaporean coins were really interesting, so he decided to keep some to bring back to Chile as a memory.
With all the money he acquired, he was even able to fly to China. So after arriving at the airport, he bought a ticket to Beijing. When arriving in China, he found out he needed a kind of Visa for being underage. This Visa consisted of a Stamp with a Chinese letter, but he would only get it in the presence of his legal guardians. This way he decided to get in the next plane he saw and fly up to its next destination. The flight he got into happened to be going to South Africa. When arriving there he noticed his money would not last for much longer and that he would have to find a way to make some money in order to buy his ticket back to Chile. Then, using his Carpenter skills, which were the same he used to build his canoe, he observed how people in Africa gained their lives with local art. So he got some wood and bought the tools he would need to make his sculptures. With everything he got, he could only build a small statue of an African Tribal Woman, and a human head. Fortunately, the selling of these two models was enough to buy his ticket back to his country.
Carlos accomplished this mission only in one week. His parents were working in another city and they had no way to communicate with their him. Therefore, Carlos was back at home before his mom and dad even arrived. Today he stills leaving at the same farm house, now proud of his secret journey overseas. The only thing he can think of is when is the next one take place.

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